Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How much is my antique worth?

When dealing with antiques, one question asked time and time again is "How much is it worth?" Even for those who hold onto antique items for sentimental reasons and who have no intention of ever selling their treasure, there is often a tiny part of them that wonders about its value. For others, antiques are their trade, and knowing how much they can get for an item is a critical part of their business. Before proceeding to investigate the value of an antique, be it a wall clock or any other item, it is important to ask oneself a number of questions:

Why do I want to know the value of the antique?

As mentioned above, people often want to know the value of their antiques for a broad spectrum of reasons. The motivation behind this desire should be considered before taking further steps to determine the value of the item. Owners who simply love their antique possessions and never intend to part with them, for example, may not want to spend the money required to get a professional appraisal. People who are insuring antique items, however, may need to know an exact value and seek an appraisal to get this information. For sellers of antiques, an appraisal may cut into their profit margin and they may instead choose to use other resources to estimate the value of an antique. Whatever your motivation in seeking to learn the value of an antique, it is important to ask yourself the question "Why do I want to know?" The answer to this question will likely influence the decisions that follow.

Does this item have any non-monetary value?

For many people, their antique possessions represent more than a simple object. They may be treasured family heirlooms or mementos from one's travels. For some, there is value in knowing that they own a piece of history. All of these factors come into play when estimating the value of an antique. An object of little or no monetary value can be of immense "sentimental" value to the owner. It is important to remember this when seeking to know the monetary value of an item. Don't let your love of an antique treasure be diminished by its low monetary value.

For sellers: How do I intend to go about selling my antique?

For those who are trying to sell an antique, it is important to consider the way in which you can best sell your item. Some people prefer to move an item as quickly as possible, and will consult local dealers and pawn shops. These businesses make their profits by buying items for less than they sell them, thus you are likely to find you will get a lower price than you may if you sell through other methods. Another option is to use an internet auction service, such as eBay to advertise your item to a broad audience. Before posting an item, it can be very helpful to search for similar items and select the "sold listings" filter near the top of the page to get a sense of common selling prices for these items. These selling prices can also be used to give you an estimate of the value should you decide to sell through other methods such as Craigslist or by placing an ad in the local classified section. Finally, for items expected to be of considerable value, it may prove worthwhile to obtain a professional appraisal. This can give you a very clear idea of what the item is worth, and may give you some leverage when dealing with buyers or auction houses.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Great Antique Wall Clock Gallery

I recently came across a great site which has a wide variety of antique clocks for sale. My favorite part about this site, however, is the clock gallery. The site has pictures, information, and pricing information (or sell prices for clocks which have already sold) for a huge number of antique wall clocks. This is a really good resource for anyone who wants to learn more about antique wall clocks. It allows you to see how styles differ between makers and across different time periods. You can even listen to the sound of some of the clocks' gongs. I've added a few pictures of my favorite clocks to this post.

There are 7 full pages of wall clocks which are either not for sale or have already sold here. To see the next page, click the link near the bottom of the page which says "Click to See next page of Wall Clocks Gallery."

You can see clocks that are currently for sale here.

(I have provided these links because I think they are interesting and informative. I don't receive any money or any form of commission from this website.)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Another Useful Video

I found another short video by the same people who made the last one I posted. This one is about the pricing of antique clocks. It contains the same woman as the last video, only this time she shows a series of different clocks and talks about their value and pricing. There are no antique wall clocks in this video, but I still think it is useful because it gives you an idea of the wide range of prices of antique clocks.

You can watch the video here.


Sunday, August 31, 2008

Things to Consider When Buying an Antique Wall Clock

With the number of beautiful antique wall clocks out there, choosing the right clock for you can be a difficult choice, especially considering that some of these clocks require a significant financial investment. To make this process a little bit easier, I’ve put together a list of things to consider when buying an antique wall clock.

First, you should seriously consider having your intended purchase professionally appraised. This costs a bit of money, but it gives you a very good idea of how much you should pay for the clock. Quite often, dealers will dramatically mark up the price of an antique to take advantage of uneducated buyers. Sometimes, though, it is the seller who is uneducated and you can get a very valuable piece for cheap. Without having the item appraised by a third party, you enter negotiations with the lower hand. At the very least, it would be a good idea to consult a pricing guide for antique clocks to get some idea of the clock’s value. You can find a good one here.

Another very important factor to take into account is the condition of the clock. By definition, antique wall clocks are very old, and though many have withstood the test of time, there are those that have not been so lucky. Unless you repair clocks as a hobby, or want to begin repairing clocks as a hobby, you should be very cautious about buying a damaged or broken clock. Though you may feel you are getting a great clock at a steal, the costs of having it repaired may negate any savings. Another advantage of having a clock professionally appraised is that you will be given a very good idea of the condition the clock is in. The person making the appraisal may even be able to give you an idea of how much it would cost to repair the clock.

Finally, there is the matter of the clock’s placement in your home or office. All too often, people become taken with an antique wall clock, buy it and take it home, only to find that they have nowhere to put it. Before purchasing an antique clock, it is wise to find a place (or places) that you may want to put it. Carefully measure the space and the clock to be sure that your exciting new purchase won’t become a disappointment. Let me also say that if you love the clock enough, whether or not there is an ideal spot for it in your house may not matter to you at all.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Nice French Ribbon Clock

I ran across this video of a woman showing a 19th Century French Ribbon Clock. The video isn’t the most professionally done, but the clock is a real beauty. She even opens it up to give us a little peek inside at the nice brass detailing around the roman numerals and the filigree.

Most importantly, she sneaks in a very important piece of advice regarding the hanging of antique wall clocks near the end of the video. She emphasizes the importance of making sure the clock is hung as level as possible. If the clock is not level both across the face (the 3 ‘o clock to 9 ‘o clock direction) and vertically (hanging straight up and down), the pendulum will not swing evenly and the clock will not keep time correctly.

Take a look a the video here.

The Joy of Antique Wall Clocks

In a world where the word “clock” has become synonymous with “cheap” and “plastic,” it is little wonder why many people choose to decorate their homes with elegant and beautiful antique wall clocks. These working pieces of art add a classic finish to any room, and allow you to see time in a different way. Their soft, musical chimes not only tell you what time it is, but do so in a soothing way.

Most of these clocks have not survived the ravages of time, which means those that remain should be treasured and cared for. They provide a challenging and relaxing pastime to hobbyists who repair and restore these charming timepieces. Anyone who takes part or wants to take part in this hobby should read this book. It’s a must have for those who like to delve into the intricate and beautiful levers, gears, and cogs of these antique wall clocks.

In addition to being a stylish and enjoyable addition to your house, antique clocks can also be a great investment, their value only increases with time. I recently read an article which said that if properly maintained, antique clocks can be worth up to $500,000!

If you are interested, you can read the full text of that article here.